Product Features
- Normal vaginal delivery
- Complete, frank, and footling breech birth
- C-section delivery
- Ritgen’s maneuver
- Episiotomy
- Vertex presentation
- Intrauterine manipulation
- Vertex/vertex, vertex/breech, breech/vertex, or breech/breech presentation in multiple births
- Prolapse of umbilical cord
- Demonstration of placenta previa: total, partial, and marginal
- Normal delivery of umbilical cord and placenta
- Palpation of fetal fontanelles
- Removable diaphragm end plate for manual positioning of fetal baby/babies
- Removable stomach cover for positioning fetus
- Life-size pelvic cavity with major anatomic landmarks
- Hand-painted outline of the bony pelvis
- Three soft vulval inserts for episiotomy exercises
- One baby boy and one baby girl, each with umbilical cord and placenta
- Anatomically accurate backbone and fontanelles on fetal baby/babies