NOELLE® S550.100.250 WITH OMNI® 2
A Complete Simulation-Based Obstetric Training Package
NOELLE offers you an effective training solution to prepare students and professionals for the routine and emergency labor and delivery scenarios seen in the real world. By rehearsing true-to-life scenarios in a safe environment, NOELLE® allows participants to improve skills in assessment, management, and teamwork.

Includes the New Labor & Delivery Simulation Learning Experience™ Package
The new NOELLE Labor & Delivery Simulation Learning Experiences (SLEs) package provides you with a library of ready-to-use, evidence-based scenarios designed to help you maximize participant learning.
Scenario Content Mapped to Your Educational Objectives
Each SLE is mapped to the NCLEX-RN©, the BSN Essentials, and incorporates QSEN and IPEC competencies to help learners successfully transfer their knowledge and skills to future clinical situations.
- Amniotic Fluid Embolism
- Breech Vaginal Delivery
- Magnesium Toxicity
- Normal Vaginal Delivery
- Placental Abruption
- Postpartum Hemorrhage
- Preeclampsia
- Prolapsed Cord
- Shoulder Dystocia
Obstetric Simulation Training Made Easy
The Noelle S550.200.250 is a powerful yet easy-to-use training solution designed to help you meet your obstetric and neonatal resuscitation training objectives.

- Full-body patient simulator
- OMNI 2 wireless tablet control
- Labor & Delivery Simulation Learning Experience™ Courseware package
- Articulated neck, jaw, arms, and legs
- Eyes open and close manually
- Normal, miosis (constricted), and mydriasis (blown) pupil states
- Independent left/right pupil states simulate consensual and nonconsensual response
- Visible vocal cords
- Head-tilt, chin-lift, and jaw-thrust
- Oral/Nasal Intubation (ETT/LMA)
- Esophageal intubation
- Visible chest rise with BVM ventilation
- Ventilations are measured and logged
- IV training arm
- Anterolateral thigh IM Sites
- eCPR™ – Real-time CPR effectiveness sensors
- Bilateral carotid, radial, and brachial pulses (Manual)
- Virtual patient monitoring (Optional)
Labor and Delivery
- Multiple Birthing Positions
- Leopold and external cephalic version training
- Virtual fetal monitoring: TOCO and FHR (Optional)
- Pelvic Landmarks
- Realistic cervical dilation
- Programmable fetal heart tones
- Precision delivery system
- Programmable labor speed
- Computer-controlled fetal descent
- Cephalic deliveries – Vacuum – Forceps
- Shoulder dystocia deliveries: Visible fetal head retraction – Suprapubic pressure, McRoberts, Zavanelli
- Breech delivery – Frank, complete, footling – Loveset maneuver, Mauriceau–Smellie–Veit
- Cesarean delivery
- Realistic placenta with detachable fragments
- Umbilical cord supports clamping and cutting
- Simulate nuchal cord, cord prolapse, and true knots.
Simulator Components
- Palpable fontanels and sutures
- Articulated head and limb joints
- Breech and cephalic delivery positions
- Supports suctioning technique training
Postpartum Care
- Replaceable episiotomy training inserts
- Palpable fundus
- Adjustable uterine muscle tone for fundal massage training (Boggy/Tonic)
- Postpartum bleeding
- Includes blood tank reservoir
- Supports balloon tamponade
Pedi Blue S320.100 with OMNI® 2
- Full-term neonate
- Wireless OMNI 2 control
- Nasal/oral intubation
- Programmable central and peripheral cyanosis
- eCPR™ – Real-time CPR effectiveness sensors
- Visible chest rise with bag valve mask ventilation
- IV training arm (Option)
- Umbilical pulse
- Catheterizable umbilical cord
- Nasogastric intubation
OMNI® 2 – Wireless Tablet
- Program over 35 vital sign parameters including: HR, ECG, RR, BP, O2SAT, ETCO2, pulses and more
- Virtual patient monitor wireless link
- Comprehensive ECG library
- eCPR™ – CPR real-time effectiveness monitoring and smart trainer
- Automatic delivery controls: pause, resume, descent speed, reset
- Shoulder dystocia controls
- Fetal monitor controls – Fetal heart baseline, variability, and accel/decels – Contraction frequency, duration, intensity and resting tone – Coupling, variability, spontaneous changes
- Neonatal respiratory distress modeling
- Neonatal resuscitation trainer
Virtual Patient Monitor
- Touchscreen virtual patient monitor
- Customizable layout can mimic standard patient monitors
- Customizable high/low alarms
- Displays numerical parameters including: HR, ECG, RR, BP, O2SAT, ETCO2
- Displays waveforms including: ECG, BP, SPO2, RR, ETCO2
- Simulated fetal monitor: FHR and TOCO strip
- EFM and FSE heart tones
- Trace history with print capability
- Wireless link to OMNI 2